Notes from the Field- Fall 2007
When I was a little girl, my dad would take my youngest brother, Robby, and I to
Robby and I would bring along empty suitcases, so we could look like we were actually going somewhere, and gradually fill them up with any brochures or pamphlets we saw along the way. This was, of course, long before beverages, nail clippers, and crochet hooks were considered deadly weapons, and one could stroll, without taking off ones funky sneakers, right up to the giant windows overlooking the runways.
I don’t know why my dad took us on these little trips – maybe it was just to get us from under my mother’s feet, so she would only have four children to look after, instead of all six - but what those journeys instilled in me was a HUMOGOUS case of wanderlust, that I’ve been lucky enough to indulge my entire adult life.
This summer, my husband Jim and I, were fortunate enough to go to
Much has been made of Madonna’s (the singer, that is) ability to reinvent herself – from “voguer” to “kabbalist”,
It was this sense of evolution that touched me the most about
As an artist, I have sometimes been plagued with doubts about my multiple interests and bizarre career trajectory. (I mean, how does a classically trained ballet dancer land up as a storyteller and a clown???) I’ve sometimes craved to be more “one disciplined focused” or more traditional in my creative endeavors. But what my sojourn to
So now that I’ve said, “Ciao!” to that city of a thousand identities, I cherish the fact that layered over, and mixed into my dance, is my storyteller, my clown, my stiltwalker, my American Sign Language skills, and even my yoga practice. I love the fact that I know that any tale I told last year, might be unrecognizable in six months, because I have grown through the telling of it – that what I did in a dance performance has informed how a character moves, or what I found works in the physical comedy of clown is prefect for a story. I will ALWAYS cherish the fact that every single day, I seem to find something new and fun that inspires me to take all of my many layers, and use it in my art. Mille grazie, Roma! Ciao!!